10 Charm Bracelet Themes To Consider

10 Charm Bracelet Themes to Consider


Karla Barton

Charm bracelet themes are available in many of the themes you can think of. While many people like to purchase these already made, you may want to consider creating your own. Select a theme that you would like to use, such as a color scheme or perhaps just the items that you love, and then find the pendants that work well for it. On the other hand, you may want a bit of help. If that is the case, take a look at these examples.

1. Do you have a friend that means the world to you? If that is the case, try a friendship theme.

2. Is your religion important to you? If it is something you want other people to share your passion for, display it in a religion themed bracelet.

3. Consider anniversary charms. If you are buying a gift for your lucky lady, choose one of these. You may want to customize it with pendants that represent your relationship or your history together.


4. Create a piece of jewelry for a special holiday. You can choose trinkets that represent your favorite holiday. Consider the options for Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day or Christmas, for example.

5. Baby pendants are a popular option especially for new mothers. Give these to grandmothers, too. With their special significance, they can help you to remember this very special occasion.

6. Consider travel related themes. If you are heading to a specific location, choose pendants to represent that. On the other hand, perhaps you just love to travel. If that is the case, consider trinkets that represent everything travel-related.

7. Is your daughter or a special someone in your life getting married? If so, you can get many of the “something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new” all from these trinkets. You and she can share a pendant for the borrowed item and use an older trinket representing your past.

8. Graduation is a special time. Give a charm bracelet to the person you love using all of the memories you have of her growing up. Fill it with the animals she loved and the special events in the last few years, all represented in trinket form.

9. Birthday trinkets are another option. Customize these to represent the person you are giving them to.

10. Is she passionate about the zodiac or perhaps a specific animal? Customize the look for that need, too.

These charm bracelet themes are really just the start of the options you can choose from. Be creative!

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10 Charm Bracelet Themes to Consider