Can A Bluetooth Headset Cause Health Issues?

Can a Bluetooth headset cause health issues?



Owing a Bluetooth headset is an essential thing these days. It is one of the newest innovations in technology and will enable you to perform a wide range of activities. And, they are constantly improving, in order to satisfy all of the user s needs. However, despite its undeniable usefulness, you may wonder if it is really safe for your health. The studies carried on have shown that there are no downsides effects of using this device. So, you do not have to worry anymore, just start enjoying if freely.

What is more, people tend to wonder if a Bluetooth headset won t damage their health because it is known that this kind of devices emit wireless microwave radiation. This has frequencies that feature a short wavelength and a very quick rate of flow, which enables them to transfer the data from one place to another without using wires. Also, when using a Bluetooth headset for a phone some of that energy is absorbed by your body. They penetrate the tissues, and indeed, can harm you at a cellular level.


In addition, some people say that it resembles the effect of microwaves that have been analyzed for centuries. There are various health conditions that have been related to the use of microwave ovens, among which are cancer, hair loss, leukemia, brain tumors, autism, miscarriages, sclerosis and many others. All these disease are cause by the biological changes that appear in our bodies due to radiation exposure. Also, these changes cannot be seen since they occur at a cellular level, but they can be passes on genetically. Still, the question remains. Is a Bluetooth headset as dangerous as a microwave, and their effects are the same?

Furthermore, since the device is attached to out head it will mainly affect out brain, ears and eyes. However, the studies that have analyzed these devices claimed that there are no potential threats and that they obtained only inconclusive results. Some studies have shown that there is no damage at all, while others have only shown insignificant damages. So people are extremely sensitive to any type of radiation, thus they surely won t be able to use a Bluetooth device, but most of you can enjoy this technology without worrying that you will be harmed by it.

Finally, all you need to know is that the

Bluetooth Headset

technology is not dangerous, it is not like the one used by the microwaves and you have almost inexistent chances of developing an illness due to the use of this gadget.

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