How To Clean Your Fabric Vertical Blinds Outdoors

How to Clean Your Fabric Vertical Blinds Outdoors


Allan Michael Taylor

There may come a time when you may be required clean your own vertical blinds yourself and you might logically dread with this kind of a possibility. There is no need to be afraid of cleaning your own fabric window blinds since they are actually rather easy to clean, as long as you follow these step| for doing so. What you will need to do before you do try to clean up your fabric blinds is to set up an area in your driveway or backyard for hanging and cleaning your blinds on. You may want to put your blinds on a high clothesline with the use of s shaped hooks that you can get from your local biking stores or hardware stores.

Once you’ve set up your cleaning area for your fabric vertical blinds and have the blinds you need to clean secured on it, you will then need to prepare the cleaning solution you will be using for your fabric window blinds. You will need a scrub brush, some ammonia, some laundry detergent, warm water, a bucket and a garden hose connected to your water outlet. Once you’ve set all these up, you can now start cleaning your fabric vertical blinds outdoors.


First, you will need to mix together the warm water, the detergent and the ammonia in the bucket. With the use of your hose, water down the blinds. This also helps take away the surface dust, dirt and cobwebs on it before you can even get to scrub it down. Try to use the jet setting of your hose nozzle to try and get as much of the dirt and grime that is found on the surface of your fabric window blinds. Once you’ve watered down your blinds, you will then need to scrub down each slat with the use of the scrub brush soaked in the cleaning solution you just made in the bucket. Make sure you wear rubber gloves when you do this part. Scrub each slat on the front and the back side, checking each one to see if you got all the dirt and the stains out.

After you have scrubbed down all of the slats with the use of the soapy ammonia solution, you will then need to get your trusty garden hose and spray down your vertical blinds with water until all of the cleaning detergent mixture is gone. Repeat this procedure if you feel or see that there are still areas that are somewhat soapy. Let your fabric window blinds drip and dry in the open air. This may take as little as an hour or as long as half a day, depending on the kind of fabric you have on your window blinds. Once the slats are almost dry or thoroughly dry, you can remove them from the s hooks and reattach them to your window. If the bottom parts of your fabric vertical blinds are still damp, you can use your trusty blow dryer to dry them out further.

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